10. King Rama I (King Buddha Yot Fu Chulaok) built the Grand Palace. It is important because it is a popular tourist attraction and it’s the home for the Emerald Buddha.
9. King Rama V (King Chulalongkorn Phra Chulachomklao-Piya Maharaj) introduced railways for the first time. The purpose of this is, it helped improve economy of Thailand because transportation became easier.
8. King Rama VI (King Vajirvudh-Phra Mongkut Klao Chaoyuhua) adopted surnames for the Thai people. This made it easier for identification in legal documents causing less chaos.
7. King Rama V (King Chulalongkorn Phra Chulachomklao-Piya Maharaj) provided the Thai people with standard syllabus which helped the children have better education with little money.
6. King Rama VI (King Vajirvudh-Phra Mongkut Klao Chaoyuhua) brought the compulsory education for the primary school children which helped improve the literacy rate in Thailand.
5. King Rama I (King Buddha Yot Fu Chulaok) established the Capital City ‘Krungthep’ which is still the Capital of Thailand. This helped the Thai citizens avoid invasions from Burma.
4. King Rama VI (King Vajirvudh-Phra Mongkut Klao Chaoyuhua) changed the flag design and color which is used today. It represents Thailand with tricolor in the world today with Nation,
3. King Rama IV (King Mongkut-Phra Chom Klao) signed treaties with America, France, and other European Countries. This is important because it helped avoid Thailand from being colonized by Britain and France.
2. King Rama IX (King Bhumibol Adulyadej) is improving poor people’s living conditions. It is important because it is reducing the poverty in Thailand.
King Rama VII (King Prajadhipok Phra Pok Klao Chaoyuhua) helped establish Constitutional Monarchy. This is important because it gave the people of Thailand the right to vote for their political leaders.
Done By: Shaali, Keun-Sub, Jane
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Yuan Dynasty
The Yuan Dynasty was ruled from 1279-1368 AD, also known as Mongol Empire. It was the first time the entire China was ruled by a foreign country. (1)
Yuan Dynasty and the Mongol Empire(8) Mongol Empire(1)
Genghis Khan, the leader of the Mongols invaded northern to expand their land. (5) At the same, the Sung Dynasty was having financial problem due to treaties with other countries. The Mongols were able to conquer China due to their superior military capabilities while the Sung Dynasty military army was weak. (1)
Genghis Khan invaded northern China as well as Khwarazm-Shah (Iran and Afghanistan) (5 p.34) He set up stage posts network so that messages could be passed quickly across the empire. He died in year 1227 back in Mongolia. The Mongol Empire managed to live so Genghis Khan’s sons and grandsons continued to expand the empire. (5 p.34) Finally in 1279, when the Sung Dynasty fell, Kublai Khan (Genghis Khan’s grandson) took over the Yuan Empire. (1) (5 p.34)
Genghis Khan (12) Kublai Khan (13)
In year 1309, Osman I (ruler of the Turksmen) set up the Ottoman Empire. (Southeast Europe, Asia Minor, North part of Africa) (5 p.31)(9) From year 1328-40, Ivan I (nicknamed Moneybags) ruled Moscow increasing the importance of Moscow. (5 p.46-47)
As Yuan Dynasty was established, Kublai Khan rebuilt and expanded the Grand Canal, improve roads and postal stations. (10)Before Genghis Khan’s death, he set up stage post networks to send messages in a faster speed across the Empire. (5)
The vast size of the empire resulted in more extensive foreign trade and foreign intercourse than at any other time before the modern period. (4) There was trade between East and West. (6) The Yuan Empire was bigger than any other Empire during the period. It occupied nearly half of Asia (Iran, Afghanistan, Korea, China, India) (5)
Development of drama and the novel as a literary form (6) (10) Western musical instruments were introduced to the Chinese performing art. (6) Highly educated scholar-artists’ brushwork became calligraphic. (3) The famous calligraphers are Xien-Yu Su and Zao Meng-Fu. (2)
Zao Meng-Fu's Calligraphs(2)
During the Yuan Dynasty, Islam was flourished by Muslims of Central Asia and Tibetan Buddhism was flourished. (6) Kublai Khan was in strong support of Buddhism. (11)
Confucian governmental practices and examinations were brought back by the Mongols in hope of keeping control over Han society. (6) During the rule of Kublai Khan, Han Chinese were restricted from having several positions in the government, and the positions were given to foreigners and nomad. Khan tried to establish a uniform rule throughout China and even created new ministries to govern the empire. (11)
In 1368, as Kublai Khan died, the Chinese drove the Mongols out because of the evil reputations they had (massacred people and destroyed cities). (5 p.34) The Chinese were heavily taxed resulting in an economy crisis. Other popular uprising groups combined with Hongjinjun’s military force known as ‘Red Head-Scarves Army.’ The combined groups rebelled against the Yuan army. (1) (7) The Empire also faced problems (major floods, droughts, epidemics) and the army was getting weak. (6) Since China became so poor, the Mongols no longer had strong interest in keeping hold of China. (1)
1)"Yuan Dynasty." 8 Jan 2008 http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/china/later_imperial_china/yuan.html
2) "Yuan Dynasty (1271 - 1368." 8 Jan 2008 http://blog.daum.net/kang54/9120627
3) Department of Asian Art. "Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368)". In Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000–. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/yuan/hd_yuan.htm
4) "Yüan Dynasty." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 8 Jan.2008 http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9078108
5) Miles, Lisa. The Usborne Illustrated 'ATLAS of WORLD HISTORY'. Broadway, New York: Usborne Publishing Ltd., 2001.
6) "Yuan Dynasty." Book Rags. 9 Jan 2008 http://www.bookrags.com/Yuan_Dynasty
7) "Yuan Dynasty." Travel China Guide. Travel China Guide Web Site. 9 Jan 2008 http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/history/yuan/decline.htm
8) "Yuan dynasty." Online Map/Still. Britannica Student Encyclopædia. 9 Jan. 2008 http://student.britannica.com/eb/art-54551
9) "Osman I." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 9 Jan. 2008 http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9057550
10) "Yuan Dynasty." Best Way to China. China-Window. 10 Jan 2008 http://student.britannica.com/eb/art-54551
11) "Yuan Dynasty." Alamo Community College District. 10 Jan 2008 http://www.accd.edu/sac/history/keller/Mongols/states1.html
12) "Image:Genghis-Khan 2.jpg." Wikimedia Common. 10 Jan 2008 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0b/Genghis-Khan_2.jpg/417px-Genghis-Khan_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Genghis-Khan_2.jpg&h=600&w=417&sz=39&hl=ko&start=7&sig2=IIwToSQZTyza2rg8RL8OmA&um=1&tbnid=RwWmuUyuxVdpRM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=94&ei=2zSGR5PoCYjihALo5IWBCQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3DGenghis%2BKhan%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
13) "Kublai Khan." Online Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 13 Jan. 2008 http://www.britannica.com/ebc/art-12463
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Typhoon is a tropical storm over seas and the temperature for the typhoon is start is warm temperature. Typhoons increase in speed and strength as it picks up more warm air.
Rusa (meaning deer in Malaysian) Typhoon has struck South Korea and Southern Japanese island of Kyushu in late August to early September 2002. In Korea, it is known as the 2nd most powerful typhoon since Typhoon Sarah in 1959. Gang-neung, in Korea was most badly affected by the typhoon and the flood. After passing Japan and Korea, it went up to Russia bringing torrential rain and houses as well as building were destroyed. (1) The wind of the typhoon was 127miles per hour. (2) Over 2days, it rained up to 36 inches in some parts of South Korea. Gang-neung precipitation of 36inches in less than 2 days. (2)
213 people died, people were missing and even left people homeless Due to the flooding, there was 113 dead, 71 missing and people were left homeless. Hundreds of acres of farmland were destroyed, as well as buildings collapsed, railways being ripped up and 400,000people were cut off from fresh water. (1) 170,000children including 10,000 in Seoul had been infected by diseases. (8) Also some of the telecommunication networks were cut off and thousand of people didn’t have electricity. 24,000 power lines were down and 645ships were destroyed. 300,000 live stocks were dead. (6) Due to the typhoon and the torrential rain during the 2days time, there was a massive flooding as well as landslide and buildings collapsing. (2) Busan had to face additional problems due to the Asian Olympics starting soon because the sports facilities and the parts of the stadium were badly damaged. More than 17,000 houses and buildings in low areas were submerged, forcing the 27,474 residents to take shelter in public buildings. (1) After these incidents, people still live near the sea because they do fishing for their living, and its part of their life. (7)
According to the official estimation, the cost of the damaged caused would total up to about $750million. Soldiers helped the citizens clear broken furniture and damaged household goods that filled the streets. (1) Also, other organizations volunteered to help Korea recover from Rusa Typhoon. Compared to before, there are less disasters but the damages that the natural disasters caused was massive than before (80% of total destruction). (6) They have weather forecasters looking at the weather everyday, and they can see the storms that are headed to Korea. About 220 international environmental conventions have joined together. 45 conventions from Korea have joined to fight agains climate change which gives rise to unusual climate and global warming. Due to the climate change it the world, it is harder to predict the natural hazards that may occur. (7) LEDs countries will take longer in recovering and it would be hard to get help, if the location is in the mountains. On the other hand, MEDCs countries take less time recovering and they can get help straight away if some one is will to go out. Also the structure of building would be stronger and they will have more systems to prevent massive damage.
(1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (3)
(4) (4) (5)
Rusa (meaning deer in Malaysian) Typhoon has struck South Korea and Southern Japanese island of Kyushu in late August to early September 2002. In Korea, it is known as the 2nd most powerful typhoon since Typhoon Sarah in 1959. Gang-neung, in Korea was most badly affected by the typhoon and the flood. After passing Japan and Korea, it went up to Russia bringing torrential rain and houses as well as building were destroyed. (1) The wind of the typhoon was 127miles per hour. (2) Over 2days, it rained up to 36 inches in some parts of South Korea. Gang-neung precipitation of 36inches in less than 2 days. (2)
213 people died, people were missing and even left people homeless Due to the flooding, there was 113 dead, 71 missing and people were left homeless. Hundreds of acres of farmland were destroyed, as well as buildings collapsed, railways being ripped up and 400,000people were cut off from fresh water. (1) 170,000children including 10,000 in Seoul had been infected by diseases. (8) Also some of the telecommunication networks were cut off and thousand of people didn’t have electricity. 24,000 power lines were down and 645ships were destroyed. 300,000 live stocks were dead. (6) Due to the typhoon and the torrential rain during the 2days time, there was a massive flooding as well as landslide and buildings collapsing. (2) Busan had to face additional problems due to the Asian Olympics starting soon because the sports facilities and the parts of the stadium were badly damaged. More than 17,000 houses and buildings in low areas were submerged, forcing the 27,474 residents to take shelter in public buildings. (1) After these incidents, people still live near the sea because they do fishing for their living, and its part of their life. (7)
According to the official estimation, the cost of the damaged caused would total up to about $750million. Soldiers helped the citizens clear broken furniture and damaged household goods that filled the streets. (1) Also, other organizations volunteered to help Korea recover from Rusa Typhoon. Compared to before, there are less disasters but the damages that the natural disasters caused was massive than before (80% of total destruction). (6) They have weather forecasters looking at the weather everyday, and they can see the storms that are headed to Korea. About 220 international environmental conventions have joined together. 45 conventions from Korea have joined to fight agains climate change which gives rise to unusual climate and global warming. Due to the climate change it the world, it is harder to predict the natural hazards that may occur. (7) LEDs countries will take longer in recovering and it would be hard to get help, if the location is in the mountains. On the other hand, MEDCs countries take less time recovering and they can get help straight away if some one is will to go out. Also the structure of building would be stronger and they will have more systems to prevent massive damage.
(1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (3)
(4) (4) (5)
1) ‘Korean Typhoon Death Toll Rises." BBC News. 3 September 2002. BBC. 27 Nov 2007 <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/2230215.stm>
2) "Typhoon Rusa Scours Korea." Earth Observatory. NASA. 27 Nov 2007 <http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=10309>
3) 28 Nov 2007 <http://www.yesu.kimc.net/gorby/images/61tae-1.jpg>
4) "아수라장 도심, 물로찬 농토, 46년만의 위력 태풍 루사가 지나간 후." Hopark. 2 September 2002. Hopark. 28 Nov 2007 <http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hopark.net/data/bdimg/200705/23/347_3286.jpg&imgrefurl=http://content.hopark.net/realty/index.php%3Fcmd%3Dboard%26act%3Dview%26code%3Drealty8%26no%3D8&h=590&w=886&sz=51&hl=ko&start=14&sig2=jvBpKDn5A3VFuvBK5S2uCQ&um=1&tbnid=5PLJLzybbWJ9JM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=146&ei=KzZMR8T8BaGOggPwtayuCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%25EB%25A3%25A8%25EC%2582%25AC%2B%25ED%2583%259C%25ED%2592%258D%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN>
5) 28 Dec 2007 <http://relief.or.kr/upload_file/info_gallery/태풍루사_물품전달.jpg>
6) Ye, Qian. "Typhoon Rusa and Super Typhoon Maemi in Korea." SuperStorm' 93. November 2004. 30 Dec 2007 <http://www.ccb.ucar.edu/superstorm/ss-korea-v1.pdf>
7) "Global Environmental Conservation Efforts." Int'l Cooperation. 16 March 2006 . Ministry of Environment Republic of Korea. 29 Dec 2007 <http://eng.me.go.kr/docs/common/common_view.html?idx=2&av_pg=1&mcode=30&classno=10>
8) Whelan, Charles. "South Korea's Storm Damage Hits Record High." Relief Web. 4 September 2006 . Agence France-Presse. 39 Dec 2007 <http://ocha-gwapps1.unog.ch/rw/rwb.nsf/db900sid/OCHA-64CCTU?OpenDocument>
2) "Typhoon Rusa Scours Korea." Earth Observatory. NASA. 27 Nov 2007 <http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NewImages/images.php3?img_id=10309>
3) 28 Nov 2007 <http://www.yesu.kimc.net/gorby/images/61tae-1.jpg>
4) "아수라장 도심, 물로찬 농토, 46년만의 위력 태풍 루사가 지나간 후." Hopark. 2 September 2002. Hopark. 28 Nov 2007 <http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.hopark.net/data/bdimg/200705/23/347_3286.jpg&imgrefurl=http://content.hopark.net/realty/index.php%3Fcmd%3Dboard%26act%3Dview%26code%3Drealty8%26no%3D8&h=590&w=886&sz=51&hl=ko&start=14&sig2=jvBpKDn5A3VFuvBK5S2uCQ&um=1&tbnid=5PLJLzybbWJ9JM:&tbnh=97&tbnw=146&ei=KzZMR8T8BaGOggPwtayuCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%25EB%25A3%25A8%25EC%2582%25AC%2B%25ED%2583%259C%25ED%2592%258D%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN>
5) 28 Dec 2007 <http://relief.or.kr/upload_file/info_gallery/태풍루사_물품전달.jpg>
6) Ye, Qian. "Typhoon Rusa and Super Typhoon Maemi in Korea." SuperStorm' 93. November 2004. 30 Dec 2007 <http://www.ccb.ucar.edu/superstorm/ss-korea-v1.pdf>
7) "Global Environmental Conservation Efforts." Int'l Cooperation. 16 March 2006 . Ministry of Environment Republic of Korea. 29 Dec 2007 <http://eng.me.go.kr/docs/common/common_view.html?idx=2&av_pg=1&mcode=30&classno=10>
8) Whelan, Charles. "South Korea's Storm Damage Hits Record High." Relief Web. 4 September 2006 . Agence France-Presse. 39 Dec 2007 <http://ocha-gwapps1.unog.ch/rw/rwb.nsf/db900sid/OCHA-64CCTU?OpenDocument>
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